Bezier Stream Cipher Chatroom - The safe network

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Word before

This is an application developed to highlight the idea of pseudo-random bits being generated using Bezier curves. The thesis of my bachelor's degree was this new PRG, as it saw light, with it came promising results from specific tests.

What is it?

An app that acts like a node in an evergrowing network, connecting itself to others like it. The network would permit instant messaging. No central server, only p2p. Conecting to any of the nodes conects to the network. Heavily crypted.

How this works

Why this?

The aim of this software is to differentiate itself by a deep level of communication between user and back end processes. Also rest assured with a cipher that follows the theoretical rules of perfect security.

  • Is this efficient? Probably not.
  • Does it scale? Probably not.
  • Is this useful in production? Probably not.
  • Is this secure? Fuck yea.

Have fun

Download and have fun (remember, /help as you run).